Astrophotography is the art of capturing the unseen, of travelling back in time.

Selected Images

  • NGC6888 Crescent Nebula

    ASI071MC-Pro (Unity gain, -5C), TS INED70 with TSOptics 1.0 flattener, Altair Quadband Filter:
    Imaging Info: 400xLights (180s), 20x darks, 20x flats, 20x bias

  • Horsehead & Flame Nebulas in Orion

    ASI071MC-Pro (Unity gain, -5C), TS INED70 with TSOptics 1.0 flattener, Altair Quadband Filter.

  • Pelican Nebula

    ASI071MC-Pro (Unity gain, -5C), TS INED70 with TSOptics 1.0 flattener, Altair Quadband Filter.

  • FIshhead, Heart & Soul Nebulas

    This was taken with my wide field rig.

  • Veil Nebula

    This was taken with my wide field rig. The shot encompasses the entire visual portion; The Eastern Veil (left) and Western Veil (right) as well as Pickering’s Triangle and other components.

  • Andromeda Galaxy, M31

    ASI071MC-Pro (Unity gain, -5C), TS INED70 with TSOptics 1.0 flattener.

  • NGC 7000 North America Nebula

    ASI071MC-Pro (Unity gain, -5C), TS INED70 with TSOptics 1.0 flattener, Altair Quadband Filter:

  • Whirlpool Galaxy, M51

    Captured with the Dwarf 2.

  • Pleiades, M45

    imaging info coming soon

  • M81, M82, NGC 2976, NGC3077 galaxies

    M81, M82, NGC 2976, NGC3077

    This has great sentimental value as it was my fist ever picture taken with the Dwarf2 smart telescope. I remember being next to a train station so there was a lot more light pollution than Bortle 6. Note the image artifacts in the corners caused by field rotation as it is an AltAzimuth telescope.
4 galaxies in one picture!
    Imaging info:
51x15 secs, 80 gain, binned (lower resolution).

  • Sun (D2)

    Taken by the Dwarf 2 clamped to my balcony while I was having a beer (alcohol-free). Setup time was only 2 minutes. Great for spur of the moment photography . Imaging info: Telephoto lens, single image 1/100 sec, White balance daylight., ND1,000,000 filters over both lenses. The filters come with the Deluxe pack and are highly recommended.

  • Moon (D2)

    A clean shot, directly imported from Dwarf 2, clamped to a balcony rail.

  • Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (D2)

    Direct from the D2. This is amazing for the fact that it was taken from a floodlit sports ground car park The Dwarf 2 had to fight through floodlights as well as Bortle 6 light pollution.

  • Horsehead & Flame Nebula (D2)

    Direct from D2. Another amazing shot by the Dwarf 2 taken from a floodlit school playground in Bortle 6 conditions.

  • M33 Triangulum Galaxy (D2)

    Direct from the Dwarf 2. This was an experiment just to see if it could be done. The D2 was clamped to a balcony so there is field rotation with some stacking artifacts. A great attempt though; the D2 didn’t let me down.

  • M45 Pleiades (D2)

    A rough capture and edit (color is not balanced) of 200 or so 15 second images from the Dwarf 2. Note the heavy field rotation in the bottom right corner as it was very high in the sky.

  • M13 Hercules Cluster (D2)

    M13 Hercules Cluster (D2)

    Taken with Dwarf 2 from my balcony. I clamped it to a rail and fired away.
    Imaging Info: 828x10s, Gain80, IR Cut. No Binning.


  • Deep Sky

    Note: Before cable tidying
    TS Optics INED70 Carbon Fiber Apochromaic with TS 1.0 flattener (f6, 70mm aperture, 420mm focal length)
    Focuser: ZWO EAF
    Finderscope: ZWO 30f4 Mini Guide Scope
    Camera: ZWO ASI071MC Pro
    Guide camera: ZWO ASI220MM Mini
    Filter tray: ZWO 2” filter tray
    Mount: Skywatcher Star Adventurer GTI
    Tripod: Skywatcher 2’ Stainless Steel tripod
    Computer: ASIAIR Plus 32Gb
    External Battery: BRESSER Portable Power Supply 100 Watt (lasts the whole night)

  • Widefield

    Lens: Samyang 135mm, f2. Canon EF mount
    Lens mount: Astrodymium with EAF focuser and ASIAIR plates on SVBony Vixen bar
    Focuser: ZWO EAF
    Finderscope: SVBony SV165
    Camera: ZWO ASI183 MC Pro
    Guide camera: ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
    Filter tray: ZWO 2” Filter Drawer for EOS lenses
    Mount: Skywatcher AZ-GTI
    Tripod: Innorel RT90CG Carbon Fiber with ER40C Center column
    Computer: ZWO ASIAIR Mini 32Gb
    External battery: Elecaenta EM200

  • Visual/Planetary

    Telescope: SVBony MK105 Maksutov-Cassegrain (f13, 105mm aperture, 1365mm focal length)
    Diagonal: SVBony SV188P
    Eyepieces: SVBony 68degree 6mm, 9mm, 15mm, 20mm, SV170 10-30mm zoom
    Finderscope: SVBony SV182
    Camera: ZWO ASI224 MC
    ADC (Atmospheric DispersionCorrector): SVBony SV199
    Barlow: SVBony SV213 (3x), SV137 (2x)
    Tripod: Innorel ST254CF Carbon Fiber
    Telescope mount: Skywatcher AZ-GTI/StarPal Alt/Az manual mount

  • Dwarf 2 Deluxe pack

    D2 Smart Telescope

    Equivalent:f4 ,675mm (Tele). f2.4, 48mm (Wide)
    Physical: 24mm aperture, 100mm focal length (Tele).
    Weight: including bag, less than 2kg
    External Battery: Anker PoweCore Speed 20100mAh (For multi-night shooting)

  • DWARFLAB Dwarf 3 Smart Telescope

    D3 Smart Telescope (on the way)

    Equivalent: f4.3 ,675mm (Tele). f1.9, 48mm (Wide)Physical: 24mm aperture, 100mm focal length (Tele).
    Weight: 1.3kg
    External Battery: Anker PoweCore Speed 20100mAh (For multi-night shooting).

More about my equipment choices (why I don’t have big scopes).

I live in a (very) small apartment in a Bortle 6 zone, close to an airport so I often need to travel by car to a darker site. Everything needs to be very portable and consume less than 1 sq. m floorspace when stored.


ZWO Duo Band 1.25”
Used for Dwarf 2 Smart Telescope.

SVBony UV/IR cut 1.25“
Used for visual and Dwarf 2 Smart Telescope

SVBony SV128 Variable Filter 1.25”
For moon observation/photography when the moon is too bright.

SVBony UV/IR cut 2”
Used for Galaxy photography on Big and Widefield Rigs to reduce star bloat (stars appearing overly large due to accumulated UV/IR captured during long exposures..

SVBony SV220 Astro Dual Narrowband 7nm 2”
Used for Nebula photography to reduce light pollution and enhance nebulosity.
The filter allows OIII (500.7nm) and H-Alpha (656.3nm) nebula emission lines to be highly transparent, strongly isolates 
the nebulae's emissions into H-Alpha (red) and OIII (green-blue), and drastically reduces the effect of light pollution.

SVBony CLS Filter EOS: Used for astrophotography on Canon EOS 600D DSLR.

Altair QuadBand OSC CCD 2" Filter: For tackling moderate light pollution with skyglow, typically found in suburbs. It combines Sii AND Ha into a red zone, and H-beta + Oiii into a green/blue zone. This is typically used with color cameras.


Siril - Free. Great all-rounder, fast stacking and good processing. Even better with the StarNet plugin.
AffinityPhoto 2 - Cheaper than PhotoShop. Can perform astrophotography stacking and some processing.
Topaz PhotoAI - Use minimally for DSO and never for planetary imaging as it can introduce false artifacts with poor settings.
RegiStax - Free. Planetary stacking (Windows run in Wine for MacOS)
WaveSharp - Free. Planetary stacking (Windows run in Wine for MacOS)
AutoStakkert! - Free. Planetary stacking (Windows run in Wine for MacOS)
Image Analyzer 1.43 - Free. Image editing, enhancement and analysis software. (Windows run in Wine for MacOS)